May 20, 2022
Thermometer, Summer, Hot, Heat, Sun, Temperature

Your car’s radiator ensures that the parts are kept cool, and the engine runs at the ideal temperatures to prevent overheating. When the radiator is not working correctly, it could cause damage to your car’s components and the engine. Below are signs that will warn you when to get a radiator repair for your Eclipse, Mirage, or Outlander from your Mitsubishi dealer before you have to reach deep into your pockets to pay for expensive replacements.

1. Your Car Is Overheating

When your car is constantly overheating, it could be due to a problem with your radiator. If any cooling system components malfunction or break, your car’s temperature will rise. When there is a problem with the radiator fan, your vehicle will overheat when you drive slowly or even when it’s idling.

If your car overheats when driving the same distances, the thermostat is not working properly, or the coolant is low. Pull over and wait for your vehicle to cool down. Ask your Mitsubishi technician to inspect your radiator as soon as possible to prevent further damage.

2. The Fins Are Clogged or Damaged

The fins in front of the radiator carry hot coolant and need airflow to reduce the temperature. When air is not flowing through freely because the fins are clogged or damaged, it will also cause overheating. The radiator fins can get clogged with road dirt and debris, such as insects and leaves. The delicate fins can also get damaged by stones, bugs, and high water pressure.

3. Your Car Is Leaking Coolant

If you have to top off the coolant more often, your car is leaking coolant. You might also see bright yellow, orange, pink, or green puddles on the ground under your vehicle. The leak could be from a hose or from the radiator itself. If there is not enough coolant to keep the engine at the ideal temperature, your car will overheat.

4. The Coolant Is Old and Dirty

Old and dirty coolant becomes discolored and brown. Over time coolant will eventually get contaminated with debris and turn into a thicker consistency. The thick sludge will clog up the radiator and cause your car to overheat. Ultimately, it will cause severe damage to the engine and the cooling system.  

5. The Radiator Is Rusty

A rusty radiator is something you should avoid at all costs. Rust will create holes that cause leaks and contaminate the coolant. If you notice that the coolant is low and a brownish color, rust has set in. When the coolant gets contaminated with rust, it won’t perform the task of cooling down the parts, and your car’s engine will overheat.

6. Smoke From Your Tailpipe

There might be an internal coolant leak if you see white smoke in your rearview mirror. Pull over in a safe spot and wait for your car to cool down first before checking the coolant level. If the coolant level is low, there might be a leak.

7. You See Smoke From Under the Hood

When you see smoke billowing out from under the hood of your car, your radiator could be the culprit. When the radiator is malfunctioning, it can’t perform the task of cooling down the fluid to lower the heat. The components and engine will not operate at the ideal temperatures, and when it gets too hot under the hood, you will see smoke. Wait for your car to cool down, and contact your dealership for assistance.

If your car regularly overheats, the radiator fins are clogged or damaged, and you see smoke from under the hood or tailpipe, it’s time to get help from the experts. Visit Tim Short Mitsubishi today for a thorough radiator inspection and repairs performed by skilled and experienced technicians to prevent further damage and costly repairs.