Dec 30, 2023
Time for New Tires? Visit Your Mitsubishi Dealership

When we hit the road in the morning, we tend to take our car’s tires for granted. Those four rubber rings are responsible for keeping us safely on the road. If you’ve been feeling a bit of wobble in your ride or noticed your tires looking a little worse for wear, it might be time to consider a fresh set. When shopping for new tires, there’s nowhere better to go than your Mitsubishi dealership.

Tread Lightly

One of the most common reasons that tires need to be replaced is that their tread has worn down. A tire’s tread is what allows it to grip the road, especially through rain or snow. Tread that is too low won’t give proper traction, leaving you to skid and slip across the highway.

An easy way to check whether your tread is up to snuff is the penny test. Just grab a penny and place it head-first into the tread grooves of your tire. If you can see all of Lincoln’s head, it’s time to start shopping for tires.

Feeling the Pressure

Tire pressure is a bit of a Goldilocks situation. It can’t be too high or too low, it needs to be just right. Most vehicles nowadays have a handy tire pressure monitoring system, but it’s always a good idea to keep a tire pressure gauge in your glove compartment for those just-in-case moments. If you find that you are frequently needing to top up the air in your tires, you may have a leak. In that case, it’s a good idea to take your car in for a check-up.

Bumps and Bruises

Just like us, tires can get a bit bruised and battered over time. Regularly give your tires a once-over to look for any cuts, cracks, bulges, or irregularities. If something looks off, it’s better to be safe than sorry and have it inspected by the pros at the dealership. We know your vehicle inside and out and can give you the best advice on whether it’s time for a new set.

Mileage Matters

Tires don’t last forever, and even the best of them have a mileage limit. On average, tires should be replaced every six years or up to 50,000 miles, but this can vary based on driving conditions, tire type, and vehicle specifications.

Visit the Mitsubishi Dealership for New Tires

When it comes down to it, your tires are a crucial component of your vehicle’s safety and performance. Ignoring the signs of wear and tear can lead to decreased fuel efficiency, poor handling, and in the the worst-case scenario, a blowout on the road.

Don’t take the risk. If you’ve noticed any signs that your tires are running out of time, head straight to the dealership and talk to the experts. You’ll leave with the peace of mind that your car is in top-notch condition. Schedule an appointment with Tom Short Mitsubishi today and get your tires inspected!